| 招商项目 |2010-11-30
一、项目名称:年产10万吨凹凸棒石粘土深加工二、项目内容:项目总投资2.4亿元,采用国际先进技术和设备,投资兴建年产10万吨凹土深加工产品,主要生产保水剂、纳米凹土、洗涤助剂、催化剂、干燥剂、分子筛、水处理剂、无机凝胶等高附加值产品。三、项目背景:盱眙县凹凸棒石粘土储量丰富,居世界首位,已发现矿山32座,已详查勘探查明的凹凸棒石粘土资源储量为4408.9万吨.盱眙地区总量为21.7736亿吨,其中凹凸棒石粘土矿为8.89亿吨,盱眙凹凸棒石粘土储量占全国储量74%,占世界储量的44%以上,质量好,可与美国凹土相媲美。由于凹凸棒石粘土具有纳米材料的特殊性,在化工、医药、建材、轻工、环保、农业、精细化工、纺织、军工、食品等方面具有广泛的应用。盱眙凹凸棒石粘土已初具产业规模,初步形成了研发体系和服务体系,有部分高科技产品需实施产业化,如保水剂、纳米凹土、有机无机复合材料、环境治理材料等。四、效益预测:项目建成后可实现销售收入10亿元,年可实现利税5亿元。项目建设年限:1-2年。预计投资回报年限:3-5年。投资利税率50%以上。五、项目提出单位:盱眙经济开发区27.Attapulgite Clay Deep Processing Project1.Project name: An Annual Processing of 100 Thousand Tons of Attapulgite Clay2. Project content: The total investment is RMB 240 million, using international advanced technologies and equipments, to establish assembly lines for manufacturing 100 thousand tons of attapulgite clay deep processing products annually. The main aim is to produce the high value-added products such as Aquasorb, Nano-attapulgite clay, Detergent builder, Catalyst, Desiccant, Molecular sieve, Water Treatment Agent and Inorganic gel.ect.3. Project background Xuyi County is very rich in attapulgite clay and the reserve of that takes the top in the world, where the discovered minerals are 32. The proven reserves of the attapulgite clay in Xuyi County are 44.089 million tons. Xuyi holds 2.17736 billion tons of attapulgite clay, among which there is 889 million tons of attapulgite clay minerals. The reserves of the attapulgite clay in Xuyi account for 74% of the domestic reserves, and 44% of the world reserves. It enjoys good quality and can compare favorably with that in America. With owning the special nature of Nano-materials, attapulgite clay is widely used in Chemical, medicine, building, light industry, environment protection, agriculture, fine chemicals, military, foods, ect. The attapulgite clay industry in Xuyi has began to take shape and form R&D system and service system, but some of its high-tech products should be industrialized, such as Aquasorb, Nano-attapulgite clay, Organic-inorganic composite materials, and Environment improving materials, etc.4. Benefit predictionSales revenue can reach RMB 1 billion after the project completed, and profits can reach 500 million RMB annually. The period of construction is about 1 to 2 years, and the period of payback is about 3-5 years, the investment profit rate is at 50% or more.5. Project presenter: Xuyi Economic Development Zone